Curriculum Information
One of the main ways we deliver our mission is through our broad and balanced curriculum. Below, you will find links to our Curriculum Intent Statements. These set out an overview of what will be taught, the sequencing of the curriculum and links to objectives for children to achieve by the end of each year group or end point (EYFS, KS1, KS2). As a small school, we carefully select and adapt commercial schemes to support our delivery of the National Curriculum and EYFS Statutory Framework. Due to the mixed age classes, the school operates on a two-year, rolling programme of study. We use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds to teach phonics.
If parents/carers or members of the public wish to find out further information about our curriculum, please contact our school office
Our Teaching and Learning Policy sets out our agreed pedagogy:
Ponsbourne St Mary's Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy
Our Feedback and Presentation Policy sets out our agreed approaches to assessment:
Feedback and Presentation Policy
During the autumn and spring terms, there is an opportunity to attend parent consultations. This involves a meeting with your child’s teacher to discuss progress in learning and targets for the year. During the summer term parents receive a written report on their child’s annual progress. We share termly class curriculum newsletters with parents setting out an overview of what will be taught in each subject.
Click each subject below to link to our Curriculum Intent Statements
Please note that parents/carers have the right to withdraw children from part or all of RE lessons. Please contact the school office in the first instance if you would like to discuss this.
Outdoor Education
We are fortunate to have staff trained as Forest School Leaders. Early Years children and Key Stage 1 children have forest schools sessions each week. All children learn through our outdoor area. We have a fantastic woodland and pond. In addition, children in Year 3 and 4 take part in a residential trip to Hudnall Park and children in Year 5 and 6 have a residential trip to PGL and experience outdoor and adventurous activities.
Collective Worship
Ponsbourne St Mary’s is a Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, and there is a daily act of worship, which is Christian in character, led by the staff and children. Children attend the church every Monday and for festivals, and the Rector leads collective worship with the school community. If parents wish to withdraw their children from assembly or acts of worship, they may contact the Headteacher via the main school office.
Early Years
Please click here for the Early Years Intent Document.
Please click here for the Early Years Knowledge and Skills Progression Document.