Ponsbourne St Mary's Church Of England Primary School

Let Your Light Shine

Friends of the School Committee (F.T.S)

Who We Are


The F.T.S - Friends of the school is a fundraising charity set up and run by parents and friends of Ponsbourne School. The F.T.S is led by a fantastic team of parents, whose primary goal is to raise funds to enhance the education of all children at Ponsbourne School. 

Their purpose and vision is to support the children to thrive in their early years, and provide them with additional learning opportunities and experiences during their time at Ponsbourne.

Over the years, the FTS have raised thousands of pounds for the school. Their fundraising helps support many different things within the school, such as, technology and music equipment, enhancement of the school grounds, provisions of coaches for school trips and so much more!

The school is very grateful to be supported by such a wonderful community.


How to Get Involved

There are lots of opportunities and ways to get involved. Whether it's joining our committee, helping at or attending one of our events, or becoming a class rep.

If you have an idea for a new event, or any feedback on past FTS events, please do not hesitate to contact us.

How to Contact Us

Look our for news about FTS events in the weekly Ponsbourne Post Newsletter or contact one of our committee members by email: ponsbournefts@gmail.com or via our social media platform @ponsbournefts